Tiago Soares

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Archive for Junho, 2009

The Good the bad the ugly

Posted by Tiago Gualdrapa Soares em Junho 19, 2009

Ennio Morricone… One of the masters!

Para quem conhece a música e para quem a fica a conhecer agora, simplesmente fabuloso!

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N700 chegou para superar o TGV

Posted by Tiago Gualdrapa Soares em Junho 18, 2009

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Está a chegar uma nova era para os comboios de alta velocidade. No Japão a partir de 2011 estará disponível um novo comboio: o N700, capaz de superar a velocidade do TGV com recurso a menos energia.

o Type N700 é o modelo mais avançado do Comboio de Alta velocidade.

Está preparado para atingir os 360 km por hora tornando-o mais rápido que o próprio TGV… A aerodinâmica e os materiais usados na sua construção permitem uma menor resistência aerodinâmica e um maior aproveitamento de recursos, que se traduzem em mais velocidade, menos tempo, de viagem, menos combustível (consequentemente menos poluição).

A frente que se assemelha a um bico de pato vai poder poupar 19% de energia, dissipada na resistência aerodinâmica, e contribuir assim para a redução das emissões de CO2.

Só os custos podem inviabilizar este novo meio de transporte: 2100 milhões de dólares, ou seja mais  1500 milhões de euros por unidade, tudo para ganhar cinco minutos numa viagem de 2 horas e meia.

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Barack Obama mata uma mosca durante entrevista

Posted by Tiago Gualdrapa Soares em Junho 17, 2009

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Posted by Tiago Gualdrapa Soares em Junho 17, 2009

São Portugueses, cantam em Português e até à bem pouco tempo pertenciam ao meu desconhecido.

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Páginas do grupo: MySpace, Daskarieh

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Mercedes ESF 2009 S400 Hybrid Concept

Posted by Tiago Gualdrapa Soares em Junho 17, 2009

Mais uma vez  a marca de estrela de 3 pontas, construtora lider no ramo dos automóveis de luxo inova e dá um passo à frente na segurança activa e passiva: Mercedes ESF S400 Hybrid Concept.

Actualmente é um concept car, mas pretende a pouco tempo tornar-se no carro mais seguro do mundo. Tem boas pretensões e argumentos para isso!

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Os sete desconhecidos maravilhosos fenómenos da natureza

Posted by Tiago Gualdrapa Soares em Junho 17, 2009

Os fenómenos naturais são absolutamente impressionantes. Alguns são tão raros, que nem a ciência, com todo avanço tecnológico, são capazes de identificar. Imagine que a natureza nos oferece a possibilidade de vermos várias pedras que se movem sozinhas ou formações geométricas geradas pelo arrefecimento de lava.

A seguir pode acompanhar sete fenómenos impressionantes, que muita gente desconhece.

As pedras que se movem

Até hoje ninguém conseguiu explicar por que, misteriosamente, pedras de centenas de quilogramas deslocam-se do seu ponto de origem pelo deserto de Death Valley. Alguns investigadores atribuem tal fenómeno aos fortes ventos e superfície gelada, mas esta teoria não explica, no entanto, por que as pedras se movam lado a lado, em ritmo e direcções diferentes. Além disso, cálculos físicos não apoiam plenamente esta teoria.


Colunas de Basalto
Este fenómeno ocorre com o arrefecimento de um fluxo de lava espessa, formando uma malha geométrica com notável regularidade. Um dos famosos exemplos é o Giant´s Causeway, na costa da Irlanda (fotos), embora a maior e mais conhecida seja Devil´s Tower em Wyoming.


Buracos azuis

Os buracos azuis são gigantes elevações subaquáticas, que tomam este nome pela tonalidade de azul que apresentam quando vistos do alto. Normalmente possuem centenas de metros de profundidade e tem ambiente desfavorável para a vida marinha, já que a circulação de água é má. Curiosamente, em alguns buracos foram encontrados restos fósseis preservados em suas profundezas.


Maré vermelha

As Marés Vermelhas são formadas pelo súbito aumento do fluxo de algas de cor única, que podem converter uma parte da água em uma cor vermelho sangue. Embora fenómenos desta natureza sejam relativamente inofensivos, alguns podem ser mortais, causando a morte de peixes, aves e mamíferos marinhos. Em alguns casos, até mesmo os seres humanos podem ser afectados, embora a exposição humana não seja conhecida por ser fatal.


Círculos de gelo

Enquanto muitos acreditam que estes círculos perfeitos sejam obra de alguma teoria da conspiração, os cientistas geralmente aceitam que eles são formados por turbilhões de água que giram num considerável pedaço de gelo, em movimento circular. Como resultado desta rotação, outros pedaços de gelo e objectos gerados pelo desgaste uniforme nas bordas do gelo vão lentamente formando um círculo.


Nuvens Mammatus

Aparentemente assustadoras, as nuvens Mammatus também são mensageiras de tempestades e outros eventos meteorológicos extremos. Normalmente compostas de gelo, elas podem se estender por centenas de quilómetros em vários sentidos e formações, permanecendo visíveis e estáticas entre 10 minutos a 1 hora. Embora pareçam portadoras de más notícias, elas são apenas mensageiras, aparecendo antes e/ou depois de uma grande mudança meteorológica.


Arco-íris de fogo

Este raro fenómeno só ocorre quando há a participação do sol e das nuvens. Cristais dentro das nuvens refratam a luzem em várias ondas do espectro, fazendo surgir cores entre as nuvens. Devido a raridade com que este evento acontece, existem poucas fotos.


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Posted by Tiago Gualdrapa Soares em Junho 16, 2009




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Cairo to Jeddah in a Boeing 747

Posted by Tiago Gualdrapa Soares em Junho 16, 2009

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City of Culture of Galicia – Santiago de Compostela, Spain

Posted by Tiago Gualdrapa Soares em Junho 15, 2009

The City of Culture of Galicia, a technologically advanced complex of six buildings is planned as a dynamic resource for today’s Galicia and a new destination for visitors from around the world. Officials of Galicia and invited guests laid the cornerstone for this 810,000-square-foot, $125 million project on February 15, 2001. By the time construction is completed in summer 2004, the landscaped, 173-acre site on Monte Gaiás will have been transformed into a ‘magic mountain’ through the work of New York City-based Eisenman Architects.

The project began with an architectural competition, which the Department of Culture, Social Communications and Tourism of the Xunta de Galicia initiated in February 1999. A short list of eleven distinguished finalists submitted proposals: Ricardo Bofill, Peter Eisenman, José Manuel Gallego, Annette Gigon and Mike Guyer, Steven Holl, Rem Koolhaas, Daniel Liebeskind, Juan Navarro, Jean Nouvel, Dominique Perrault, and César Portela. In August 1999, the competition jury selected Eisenman Architects to design the CCG, with Peter Eisenman as Principal-in-Charge.

Commenting on the competition, Eisenman states, “We were given a complex and fascinating program, whose goals far exceeded any summary of spaces and functions. The first demand was for an open and dynamic design, which would be permeable to all sorts of possibilities that as yet could not even be envisioned. We believed we could take this demand at face value, as a statement of the project’s first priority.”

“Instead of the ground’s being conceived as a backdrop against which the buildings stand out as figures, we generate a condition in which the ground can rear up to become figure, the buildings can subside into ground. It is a new kind of urban fabric,” Eisenman says, “in which the space you inhabit can seem both smooth and furrowed — much as a seashell, the age-old symbol of Santiago, is smooth and furrowed. The coding of Santiago’s medieval past into the CCG creates the sense of an active present, as found in a tactile, pulsing new form — what you might call a fluid shell.”

The buildings of the City of Culture spread out over the terrain like a moldable mass of clay linked together by five long tree-lined thoroughfares. Alluding to five streets of Santiago’s old quarter, as well as to their traditional extensions with rueiros, and in fact the final shape of the complex springs from the plan of the historic core, which is superposed by the characteristic striated surface of the venera, the scallop shell that is the symbol of the pilgrim’s road to Santiago. Raising its shaken silhouette to the cathedral towers, over the highway that holds together Galicia’s Atlantic facade, the new City of Culture presents itself as a magic mountain for pilgrims of knowledge.

Major components of the CCG are The Museum of Galician History (172,000 square feet) , New Technologies Center (135,000 square feet) , Music Theater (220,000 square feet) , Galician Library (122,000 square feet) and Periodicals Archive (86,000 square feet) , Central Services and Administration building (50,000 square feet), and Surrounding the built area of the CCG is the Arboretum of Galicia: an area of gardens and native woodland, conceived as both a recreational and an educational facility. While demonstrating the importance of biodiversity and habitat preservation, the Arboretum may also serve a ceremonial function, as a place where distinguished Galicians and honored visitors may be invited to plant local species, as their way of leaving a mark on the CCG.

Galicia City of Culture

The Galicia City of Culture (or Cidade da Cultura de Galicia) will be a new cultural centre using groundbreaking architectural design situated on a site on Mount Gaiás in Santiago de Compostela in Northern Spain.

The architectural complex was first proposed in 1999 by the Xunta de Galicia (regional government of Galicia) who held an international architecture competition to design and construct the complex.

Initially 12 proposals were made for the architectural complex and its uses including some well known names such as Rem Koolhass, Daniel Libeskind, Jean Nouvel, Dominique Perrault and César Portela.

The eventual winner of the design competition was the renowned architectural practice of Peter Eisenman (Eisenman Architects based in the US), a modern deconstructivist whose achievements include the Wexner Center for the Arts in Columbus, Ohio, the Arnnoff Centre in Cinncinatti and the Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe in Berlin.

The design for the City of Culture was inspired by the old city of Santiago and the five pilgrim routes inside the medieval city that lead to the cathedral. The design superposes a Cartesian grid onto the existing, organic, medieval grid and then warps or deforms these with a topological grid that projects upward in a new vibrant geometry. The objective of the design was to convert Mount Gaias into a ‘beacon for pilgrims of knowledge’ and form a cultural / knowledge centre in a similar fashion to the way an Abbey would fulfil the same function in mediaeval history.

Mount Gaias is bordered on the west by the River Sar and on the east by the A9 motorway, which will form the main access to the complex. Eisenman’s idea (a response to Gehry’s Guggenheim in Bilbao) was said by the jury to be ‘unique both in concept and plasticity, and exceptionally in tune with the site’s location’. The project being constructed for the Fundación Cidade da Cultura de Galicia began construction in 2001-2002 with an initial budget of €109m, which has now trebled.

City of Culture project

The Galicia City of Culture, when completed in 2010-2012 will be a complex of buildings with a total floor space of 141,800m² consisting of museums, libraries, archives and auditoriums where ‘the conservation of heritage is reconciled with the production of knowledge, as a meeting point for research, creation and cultural consumption’.

There will be six cultural buildings, including two museums one of which will be devoted to Galician history and the other an international art centre), the National Library, National Archives, a research centre for heritage and a performing arts centre. The first five buildings have almost been completed and are expected to open in 2010. The performing arts centre is just completing the design stage and should open in 2012.


The complex is being constructed into an excavated hillside (173-acre site) in a contoured fashion so that they will integrate (appearing to be buried) and be part of the rolling hillside leading into the mountain. The project is a challenge because the external facade is such a complex shape and each of the windows is a custom design.

“The City of Culture design was inspired by the old city of Santiago and five pilgrim routes.”

The buildings, conceived as three pairs, in the complex include the Museum of History of Galicia (14,100m², 52m and six levels) and the Building of New Technologies (10,750m², five levels) on the western slope, which is actually the steepest.

The Library (15,700m², 42m and six floors); the Newspaper Archive (8,500m², three levels) and also the Music Theatre (25,000m², 50m and seven levels) and the Building for Central Services (5,600m², five floors) will be on the softer slanting eastern slope.

The complex will be topped off with the Hejduk Towers, which will complete the main buildings and the campus will be surrounded by 25,000m² of woodland (City of Culture Forest) that will be defined by five different footpaths for leisure walking (these are also being designed by Eisenman).

Hejduk Towers

The two Hejduk Towers were originally designed in 1992 by the architect John Hejduk (New York) as botanical towers for the park of Belvís in Santiago de Compostela. Hejduk died in 2000 and the towers were never built. Peter Eisenman decided that they should form part of the complex and be erected on the site as a tribute to the architect, whom he had known for many years as part of New York Five (a group of five New York City architects including Peter Eisenman, Michael Graves, Charles Gwathmey, John Hejduk and Richard Meier).

The two towers will be used in the context of this complex to host reception and information services. The two towers are constructed around a steel skeleton frame, which is 25m high and then one is clad in glass and the other in blue granite slabs. The gap between the towers is their exact inverted profile. The granite-clad tower will also be used to ventilate the underground galleries.

Building functions

The Galician Library and Newspaper Archive will form a depository for Galicia’s rich bibliographic and publication heritage. The library building will have six floors with a total height of 42m, different rooms for reading and researchers, and will also include a central book deposit with capacity for storing more than a million volumes.

There will also be exhibition areas for books of interest, an auditorium and seminar rooms for training. The newspaper archive will have more than 1,400m² for reading rooms and 1,200m² for storage areas. There will also be areas for reception and classification, and for microfilming and digitalising.

“The City of Culture is situated on a site on Mount Gaiás in Santiago de Compostela in Northern Spain.”

The Galician History Museum will use state-of-the-art exhibition methods and be an educational resource with five permanent exhibitions, allowing a great deal of visitor participation using the five senses. The Building of New Technologies will use the latest audiovisual and communication technologies to further understanding of Galician heritage and technology.

The seven-floor Music Theatre will have a 2,000m² cross shaped stage, two auditoriums (seating for 1,550 and 450), an underground car park for 400 performers, and an orchestra pit for 107 musicians. This is expected to form an important international venue for opera, music concerts and ballets.

Finally, the Central Services and Administration Building will house administrative services, conference rooms and multipurpose rooms, with the latest simultaneous recording and translation equipment for meetings and conferences.

The ~ (or Cidade da Cultura de Galicia) will be a new cultural centre using groundbreaking architectural design situated on a site on Mount Gaiás in Santiago de Compostela in Northern Spain.The architectural complex was first proposed in 1999 by the Xunta de Galicia (regional government of Galicia) who held an international architecture competition to design and construct the complex.

Initially 12 proposals were made for the architectural complex and its uses including some well known names such as Rem Koolhass, Daniel Libeskind, Jean Nouvel, Dominique Perrault and César Portela.

The eventual winner of the design competition was the renowned architectural practice of Peter Eisenman (Eisenman Architects based in the US), a modern deconstructivist whose achievements include the Wexner Center for the Arts in Columbus, Ohio, the Arnnoff Centre in Cinncinatti and the Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe in Berlin.

The design for the City of Culture was inspired by the old city of Santiago and the five pilgrim routes inside the medieval city that lead to the cathedral. The design superposes a Cartesian grid onto the existing, organic, medieval grid and then warps or deforms these with a topological grid that projects upward in a new vibrant geometry. The objective of the design was to convert Mount Gaias into a ‘beacon for pilgrims of knowledge’ and form a cultural / knowledge centre in a similar fashion to the way an Abbey would fulfil the same function in mediaeval history.

Mount Gaias is bordered on the west by the River Sar and on the east by the A9 motorway, which will form the main access to the complex. Eisenman’s idea (a response to Gehry’s Guggenheim in Bilbao) was said by the jury to be ‘unique both in concept and plasticity, and exceptionally in tune with the site’s location’. The project being constructed for the Fundación Cidade da Cultura de Galicia began construction in 2001-2002 with an initial budget of €109m, which has now trebled.

City of Culture project

The Galicia City of Culture, when completed in 2010-2012 will be a complex of buildings with a total floor space of 141,800m² consisting of museums, libraries, archives and auditoriums where ‘the conservation of heritage is reconciled with the production of knowledge, as a meeting point for research, creation and cultural consumption’.

There will be six cultural buildings, including two museums one of which will be devoted to Galician history and the other an international art centre), the National Library, National Archives, a research centre for heritage and a performing arts centre. The first five buildings have almost been completed and are expected to open in 2010. The performing arts centre is just completing the design stage and should open in 2012.


The complex is being constructed into an excavated hillside (173-acre site) in a contoured fashion so that they will integrate (appearing to be buried) and be part of the rolling hillside leading into the mountain. The project is a challenge because the external facade is such a complex shape and each of the windows is a custom design.

“The City of Culture design was inspired by the old city of Santiago and five pilgrim routes.”

The buildings, conceived as three pairs, in the complex include the Museum of History of Galicia (14,100m², 52m and six levels) and the Building of New Technologies (10,750m², five levels) on the western slope, which is actually the steepest.

The Library (15,700m², 42m and six floors); the Newspaper Archive (8,500m², three levels) and also the Music Theatre (25,000m², 50m and seven levels) and the Building for Central Services (5,600m², five floors) will be on the softer slanting eastern slope.

The complex will be topped off with the Hejduk Towers, which will complete the main buildings and the campus will be surrounded by 25,000m² of woodland (City of Culture Forest) that will be defined by five different footpaths for leisure walking (these are also being designed by Eisenman).

Hejduk Towers

The two Hejduk Towers were originally designed in 1992 by the architect John Hejduk (New York) as botanical towers for the park of Belvís in Santiago de Compostela. Hejduk died in 2000 and the towers were never built. Peter Eisenman decided that they should form part of the complex and be erected on the site as a tribute to the architect, whom he had known for many years as part of New York Five (a group of five New York City architects including Peter Eisenman, Michael Graves, Charles Gwathmey, John Hejduk and Richard Meier).

The two towers will be used in the context of this complex to host reception and information services. The two towers are constructed around a steel skeleton frame, which is 25m high and then one is clad in glass and the other in blue granite slabs. The gap between the towers is their exact inverted profile. The granite-clad tower will also be used to ventilate the underground galleries.

Building functions

The Galician Library and Newspaper Archive will form a depository for Galicia’s rich bibliographic and publication heritage. The library building will have six floors with a total height of 42m, different rooms for reading and researchers, and will also include a central book deposit with capacity for storing more than a million volumes.

There will also be exhibition areas for books of interest, an auditorium and seminar rooms for training. The newspaper archive will have more than 1,400m² for reading rooms and 1,200m² for storage areas. There will also be areas for reception and classification, and for microfilming and digitalising.

“The City of Culture is situated on a site on Mount Gaiás in Santiago de Compostela in Northern Spain.”

The Galician History Museum will use state-of-the-art exhibition methods and be an educational resource with five permanent exhibitions, allowing a great deal of visitor participation using the five senses. The Building of New Technologies will use the latest audiovisual and communication technologies to further understanding of Galician heritage and technology.

The seven-floor Music Theatre will have a 2,000m² cross shaped stage, two auditoriums (seating for 1,550 and 450), an underground car park for 400 performers, and an orchestra pit for 107 musicians. This is expected to form an important international venue for opera, music concerts and ballets.

Finally, the Central Services and Administration Building will house administrative services, conference rooms and multipurpose rooms, with the latest simultaneous recording and translation equipment for meetings and conferences.

For more: DesignBuild; Cidade da Cultura; Xunta Galicia; Eisenman Architects; Danny Forster

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Dia Mundial do Dador de Sangue

Posted by Tiago Gualdrapa Soares em Junho 14, 2009

Este ainda não é o “seu dia”? De que está à espera para começar a poder vivê-lo como “seu dia”!? Dê Sangue!




Como dar sangue:


Deve efectuar-se sempre após o pequeno-almoço ou depois de uma qualquer refeição ligeira

Quando dar

A dádiva pode ser feita de três em três meses para os homens e de quatro em quatro meses para mulheres. Cumpridos estes prazos não qualquer problema para a saúde.

Quem pode dar

Não é exigida nenhuma característica biológica específica ou particular para que uma pessoa possa doar o seu sangue. Mesmo quem não conhece o seu grupo sanguíneo pode fazê-lo. A identificação do tipo de sangue é feita na altura. Posteriormente a pessoa recebe um cartão de dador, no qual está inscrito o seu grupo sanguíneo e onde ficarão registadas todas as futuras dádivas.

Saúde do dador

Toda a colheita de sangue é precedida de um exame clínico / laboratorial a fim de serem detectadas possíveis razões impeditivas (tanto para proteger o doente como o dador). Uma vez considerado apto, a pessoa é encaminhada para a sala de colheitas a fim de poder ser-lhe retirado sangue.


A colheita, além de indolor, é feita de forma a assegurar ao dador as devidas condições de assepsia, portanto impeditivas da transmissão de qualquer doença. As agulhas são todas de utilização única e imediatamente deitada para o lixo.


Terminada a colheita de sangue é sempre oferecida ao dador uma refeição ligeira no hospital. Os serviços de saúde aconselham, por outro lado, que se bebam muitos líquidos de forma a garantir uma boa hidratação e uma recuperação mais rápida.

Mais informações em Instituto Português do Sangue.

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